a miraculous
in skin health

a decade
in the making

inspired by nature

in which human made innovation, processes, or systems are made by mimicking nature, hypochlorous is produced and utilized by our body's immune system to defend against a broad spectrum of invasive pathogens. Our proprietary High Purity Hypochlorous formula mimics our body's natural production of hypochlorous within our white blood cells to cleanse, calm and care for the skin.



biome-friendly &

We make revolutionary products for the biggest organ on your body - your skin - so you can QIQ the painful, itchy, burn-y sensation of cuts, scrapes, bug, bites, rashes ... or whatever your skin's got going on.

HypoBiome Technology. This miraculous combination of salt, water, and electricity creates something called hypochlorous acid(HOCL)-a substance naturally created by our own white blood cells to fight pathogens inside our bodies.